Our Process

Our 5D process was established to help take your business goals to greater dimensions.
1. Discover
The discovery process is the first step in ensuring that we have a clear understanding of what your business goals are for the project. In this preliminary phase, we gather from you what your business goals are, who your target audiences are, who your competitors are, and how you envision this project addressing the needs of your customers. Think of this as the who, what, where, and why of the project. After the discovery session you’ll be provided with a PDF of the discovery session findings, and an estimate for the total cost of the project.
2. Define
This stage begins once we get both the green light from you after discovery, and a 50% non-refundable deposit. In the define stage, we take insights gathered from the discovery phase and use those insights to concept ideas. For example, if the project is a website design project, then the deliverables created in this phase would be low-fidelity wireframes. If the project is a logo design project, the deliverables created in this phase would be rough mockups of logo ideas.
3. Determine
In this stage, we take the steps necessary to ensure that the deliverables created are in alignment with your business goals. Think of this as an internal “testing” phase, where we verify that the potential solutions work based on discovery session insights. In addition, we provide you with our insights, and from there, determine the direction that best addresses your business needs.
4. Design
This is the stage where we take the low-fidelity concept and turn it into a high-fidelity design. In a web design project this would be the stage where we turn the wireframes into design mockups where you can see the application of color, branding and content. For a logo project, this is the stage where we incorporate brand colors, outline spacing requirements, and establish presentation guidelines.
5. Deploy
At this final stage, we deploy your project. If it’s a website, it’s published to the world wide web, for all of your customers to see. If it’s a logo, we deliver the logo to you in formats optimized for application to all of your marketing collateral, as well as provide you with guidelines for use in order to preserve the integrity of your new logo. Final payment and approval is due at this stage.


Iron Apricot Flower Logo
Let's grow something extraordinary together
We’re here to help you turn your vision into a beautiful masterpiece.